Manuka Semi-Private In-Studio

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PilatesCan Manuka
Based on 118 reviews
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I have been doing Pilates at Pilates Can Manuka for some years now, and it is an essential part of my weekly routine! The facilities are great, but much more importantly the instructors are all excellent! I have an individual program, tailored to my specific physical requirements and goals, and Claire, Kirrilly and all the others I have worked with are really focused on making sure I am doing each component correctly. They regularly adapt the program to increase the level of challenge as I improve, or to accommodate the occasional physical ‘hiccup’ (like the time I returned from a trip with tendonitis). Overall, this is a fantastic service, which I can thoroughly recommend.
PilatesCan has been a life-changing experience for me. While I have always been physically active, osteoarthritis and changes following breast cancer surgery impacted my activities and fitness level.My PilatesCan instructor, Jenni, developed an individualised program that accommodates my specific physical limitations while helping me achieve my maximum fitness and agility. Jenni starts every session asking, "How is your body today?" This personalised approach means we can concentrate on my most pressing health concern; every session is unique. The sessions can be challenging but I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.I credit PilatesCan with keeping me flexible, strong, mobile, and sane!
I’m a big fan of Pilates Can Manuka. I have been attending semi-private and mat sessions since 2019 and I can confidently say it has made a big difference to my physical well-being. The instructors are well qualified, friendly and caring and the admin staff are always very helpful. Highly recommended.
Response from the owner: Thanks, Cinzia, for your enchanting review which highlights those things that we work so hard to provide at Pilates Can. We are glad to have assisted you in creating your “Excellent Pilates Exercise Habit”. Your consistent attendance at both Pilates mat and Pilates semi-private sessions has been the biggest factor making that difference in your physical well-being. We love working with focused and friendly clients like you, Cinzia. Your ability to appreciate our assistance, as well as being self-directed is much appreciated.Claire
Fantastic friendly and knowledgeable staff!
Response from the owner: Thanks, Tricia, for your very helpful review. Yes, we pride ourselves on the quality of our team of clinical Pilates practitioners and administrative support staff.
Pilates must be experienced with qualified trainers using a variety of strategies, techniques and equipment. At PilatesCan Manuka every client is treated as an individual and is able to choose from a variety of self paced and group experiences. No one person presents with the same needs, and at PilatesCan Manuka programs are designed by my qualified Pilates trainer to specifically support and maximise my individual physical development and progress.
Response from the owner: Jennifer, thanks for your wonderful review and for being with us since the “early days”, starting in our Woden Pilates studio. We have noticed that you have built strong friendships in your semis-private Pilates sessions. Your friendships have included you checking in with, and cheering up, certain friends who have unfortunately declined in their health over the years. Since one of our Pilates can values is ‘Caring’ we are very grateful and happy to see you living that value. Jennifer, you have been a model Pilates client, participating in both prehab and rehabilitation. You are always welcoming to both instructors and clients and are quick to show authentic gratitude for our assistance. You are also proactive in your sessions, making our job as instructors easier, particularly when we might have someone else who needs a little more attention in the session. Jennifer, your selflessness makes you a joy to work with in our Pilates sessions. Claire
Instructors have always been very nice and helpful. I do semi-private sessions with plenty of individual attention. The program is designed specifically for me, taking into account my specific issues and the instructor makes sure I am doing each exercise correctly.
Response from the owner: Sara, thanks for your wonderful review, that shines a light on the individual attention that we provide for our semi-private Pilates clients in our Pilates studio in Manuka. It has been our pleasure to provide you with a personal training Pilates approach. Since you started with us years ago at our Woden Pilates studio, you have been very consistent and always motivated to keep moving. We are delighted that you are so appreciative of our support and encouragement with your Pilates, to address your body’s specific needs.Claire
I have been with Pilates Can for 18 months and have found it really helpful for my core strength.The weekly programs are enjoyable and the instructors are well trained and keen to teach.I will definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good Pilate studio.
Response from the owner: Annie, thanks for your generous review and for being so keen to explore ways to increase your strength and endurance of your ‘core’ via your semi-private Pilates sessions with us at Pilates Can. Your warmth and friendliness in our Pilates studio is much appreciated as that also helps encourage clients and instructors alike. Annie, you have worked very well with a variety of our Pilates instructors, and your enthusiasm to learn and understand the “how” and “why” of Pilates for your body is always welcome. Claire
Pilates Can is one-of-a-kind Pilates studio in Canberra. My weekly Pilates studio sessions have been individually tailored to meet my special requirements because my mobility is limited. The lovely instructors at Pilates Can are professionally trained, and very knowledgeable about Pilates – supporting me strengthen my body through targeted and structured Pilates exercises. They are able to adapt any exercise to ensure I meet my goals during each session. You leave every Pilates session with a spring in your step.Let me assure you that it might look a bit intimidating at first, but you are in very capable hands with the lovely instructors at Pilates Can
Response from the owner: Lyn, thanks for your excellent review. It is so obvious that you love life, and that you are inspiring to all of us, with what can be achieved, with a positive attitude, determination, and persistence. Trudi says that she always looks forward to seeing you come through the studio door and into the 9am semiprivate session on Saturdays, as she knows then, that everyone will enjoy the session. You enable yourself so well in our sessions Lyn, by being proactive and independent, whilst still also appreciating our instructors’ guidance. Your strength and mobility is improving... almost in leaps and bounds!Claire
I first joined a Pilates class years ago to get help with back problems. I had no idea what to expect, but it was such a helpful and healthy experience that I can’t imagine ever not going. The Pilates teachers at Pilates Can do many years of training and they know how the body works, they somehow know right where that particular bit hurts. It’s hard to explain why you feel so good after a Pilates session, you feel as though every bit of your body is now aligned, from your toes to your head. The semi-private classes can have up to 6 students and 2 or even 3 teachers. A good Pilates teacher is like a gold mine, once you find one, you don’t want to let them go. They are full of knowledge and well trained to know how our bodies work. In the semi-private class, each participant has their own program, no one is doing the same as another. The teachers know the history of our bodies, our injuries and just how far we can extend ourselves.I had spinal fusion and spent a month in hospital and Pilates helped me to prepare my body for the surgery, and then when I was fit enough to return to classes, the teachers knew just what my body would be capable of. Now, four years on and after all the support from Pilates I am a much stronger person and even though I am 80 years old, I am pretty fit for my age.
Response from the owner: Rae, you are amazing, and we all admire your infectious zest for life. Thanks for your beautiful description of your experiences of Pilates at Pilates Can. We are so lucky that you came to Pilates Can quite a few years ago. You are certainly a model client as you are firstly, a lovely person, who also takes time to encourage others and welcome newcomers into our semiprivate Pilates sessions. Your attitude of continual learning at Pilates, and your desire to understand the optimal way to move, so that you can enjoy your daily activities, is inspirational. We have seen the beautiful Kimono fabrics that you sew, and we are very happy to have been of assistance with this and your many other activities, where bodily strength and mobility is integral. I and other instructors at Pilates Can have been privileged to witness you feeling how much you have changed the way you stand and walk, thanks to your own dedication to your Pilates sessions. And our clients will be amazed to hear that that you are 80 years young!Claire
Have had a significant hip injury over 2 years which precluded me from basic movements, let alone any sports or physical activity which I used to frequently undertake several times a week.Since visiting Pilates Can Manuka the last 5-6 months I have already regained a lot of strength and have recommenced playing sport and have become a lot fitter overall. I have also learned a lot about balance, core strength and my own physical health. This is testament to the care and expertise provided by Claire D and the team. Thank you for your hard work and assistance thus far.
Response from the owner: Dev, thanks so much for your insightful comments. You are a wonderful example of the changes that can be achieved, and it is heartwarming for us to see. It is a delight to read your words and share those results, with other potential beneficiaries of Pilates, done with experienced clinical Pilates instructors like our own Claire D. Your secret weapon has been your desire to learn optimal ways to move and achieve your goals. Well played Dev!Claire
I have been a client of PilatesCan for around 3 years, after a physio recommended that I give clinical pilates a try. The instructors are all lovely people and all have an amazing amount of knowledge about the human body and human anatomy. All of the instructors are easily able to tailor your program based on what your body is doing on a given day, which is great for the injury prone. I highly recommend Pilates Can, with a special shout out to my instructors Kirrilly and Claire D.
Response from the owner: Aimee, thanks so much for your fantastic review. You have achieved amazing results in your body through your dedication and focus. You are always appreciative of our assistance, and you have built wonderful strength and endurance. We are so happy to see your progress and have you in our sessions.Claire
Been training here for awhile now - lovely and highly qualified staffI highly recommend this studio whether you have an injury or not 🙂
Response from the owner: Bianca, thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful endorsement of our Pilates Can semi-private Pilates services. You have made huge improvements in your strength and ability to achieve more complex and advanced Pilates exercises. Your focus and friendly persona make you a joy to teach and to share our sessions with.Claire
Since starting at PilatesCan in 2020 I’ve seen a big change in my body & posture using the reformer once a week. The instructors are super experienced & with their help I’ve learnt so much about my body & what it can do. I’m much stronger & more flexible since starting my semi private classes & now I’m totally addicted to Pilates 💜
Response from the owner: Mel, thanks very much for your beautiful and supportive comments. You are so positive and keen to improve your posture and strengthen your body, even when your work hours can be a bit challenging. We also very much appreciate that you promote our services to your own clients and friends. You are a living example of the benefits of Pilates done correctly and with intention. It is great to see you enjoy exploring new ways to move, depending on how your body is going on the day.Claire
I've been taking weekly semi-private equipment classes at Pilates Can for more than 7 years, initially to rehab ballet injuries and reduce the risk of future injuries with my chronic health issues. The instructors have always been knowledgeable about and willing to explain the underlying anatomy/physiology that a particular exercise focuses on. When I've had new injuries or health conditions, they've also been quick to adapt my program. They're great at adjusting exercises based on how I'm feeling each week, or to take onboard new info I've received from medical practitioners that manage my health conditions. I had classes with Trudi initially, and in recent years with Kirrilly and Claire D, all of whom I've had great experiences with.
Response from the owner: Orli, thanks so much for your lovely review and for your consistent attendance over those 7 years. We have had the pleasure of seeing you grow from teenager to adulthood, whilst strengthening your body with Pilates. You have shared your enjoyment of our Pilates sessions with many of our other clients, probably creating lifelong friendships along the way. Throughout the years you have continued to be focussed and keen, which makes our job easier and more satisfying.Claire
The personalised program targets my trouble spots. I can see and feel the difference, especially in my shoulders that are no longer around my ears. The reformers and other equipment are quality and the highly trained instructor in the semi-private class makes on the spot adjustments based on the needs of my body and ensures that wall exercises are maximised and performed correctly.
Response from the owner: Dionne, thanks for your wonderful review and for your very positive and friendly attitude in our Pilates Can semi-private sessions. We are very happy to hear about your results as you are always willing to learn. Your encouragement for others is much appreciated. Claire
I’ve been attending classes at Pilates Can for around 8 years, and have enjoyed every minute of my training there. The instructors are highly trained and knowledgeable, professional and friendly, creating an atmosphere which encourages their clients while supporting their individual needs. There is nothing mass produced about their classes, sessions are individually tailored to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be. I highly recommend Pilates Can to anyone - whether just starting out or if you are wanting to take your Pilates to the next level - the team will be there for you. Nicole S
Response from the owner: Nicole we really appreciate your wonderful review. Thank you also for your commitment over the 8 years to your Pilates with us here at Pilates Can in Manuka. It is always a pleasure to have clients like yourself in our studio, as you are friendly, strong and, independent, but you also enjoy and welcome our instruction. Thanks again Nicole. Claire.
Pilates Can have caring, friendly and professional instructors that focus on you and your needs. The instructors are highly trained and they take care to understand how you feel and what you need to work on that day - whether that’s challenging you to try new things or focussing on problem areas. I really enjoy my sessions at semi private studio classes. No matter how I feel going into my session I always feel better when I leave. I highly recommend Pilates Can.
Response from the owner: Kathleen, we really appreciate your brilliant review, and we love that you are enjoying your semi-private Pilates sessions so extensively. You are a treasure to practice Pilates with, because you are both focused and responsive. You have also been very receptive to trying variations or new exercises, owning the challenges that we present for you. Your appreciation of our personalized Pilates approach, focusing on specific areas of personal concern when needed, is also cherished.Claire
Originally started attending Pilates Can Manuka due to long term on-going low back pain. Staff at Pilates Can worked on a plan that resulted with pain management. Over time, pain became increasing reduced until the point I cannot recall the last time I had experienced low back pain.Pilates is about teaching a way of mobility and whole of body development for improved movement. Re-educating muscle memory to work as system of muscles. Well that is my experience.Recommend you have a discussion with the staff at Pilates Can to see how they can help you.
Response from the owner: David, thanks so much for sharing your lived experience, overcoming back pain and improving your mobility via Pilates in our semi-private sessions. You have also contributed your own energy and commitment to achieve those fabulous results. Congratulations and thanks again for your recommendation. Claire.
"I cannot recommend Pilates Can Manuka enough! Having attended sessions for over 3 years, I can attest to the highly knowledgeable instructors who provide personalized attention and plans to each individual. The classes strike the perfect balance between being challenging and enjoyable; I consistently leave feeling stronger and more energized. Claire and the team's dedication and passion create a welcoming, family-like atmosphere where you feel supported in your journey towards improvement. For those recovering from an injury, the combination of rehabilitation-focused exercises and safely delivered challenging workouts tailored to enhance strength and flexibility truly make a significant impact on your well-being. The studio's positive and welcoming environment, along with its well-equipped facilities, make it the ideal place for a successful Pilates practice. Whether you're on a path to recovery or aiming to enhance your fitness level, Pilates Can Manuka is the perfect destination to achieve your goals
Response from the owner: Thanks, Emma, for your delightful review. Your special insight as a student Pilates instructor has helped you to emphasize the most important aspects that we strive to deliver for both clients and instructors. It has been an absolute pleasure having you in our sessions Emma and we wish you all the best in your Pilates career. Claire.
Claire has resolved my back pain which I had suffered constantly for 7 years since an injury. I am grateful for being completely pain free every day - I had given up hope that was possible. The staff at the studio are very experienced and dedicated Pilates professionals, the service is completely personalised and they know their stuff. There’s no comparison with your average Pilates outfit. They solved what physio, exercise, medication and surgery could not.
Response from the owner: Stephanie, thanks so much for sharing your generous review. It is fulfilling for us to work with clients like yourself, that achieve such dramatic and important results. Your consistency in attending your Pilates studio sessions in Manuka, as well as the work you complete at home, has made all the difference. It is also splendid to see you fit in so well with our social atmosphere, while at the same time, getting your Pilates work (and play) done. Claire.
Echoing the sentiments of other reviewers, I highly recommend Pilates Can Manuka. It's a fun, professional studio, with Claire leading a team of highly trained, knowlegable and friendly instructors. I've been attending the semi private studio classes for a number of years, which I thoroughly enjoy. The sessions are tailored to the needs and capabilities of the participants as individuals, using a variety of equipment. Pilates has provided a form of exercise I've been happy to stick with over time. My heartfelt thanks to Claire and her team.
Response from the owner: Cheryl, thanks for your beautiful review. We are glad to have had so much fun alongside you, as you have “remained committed to our program” over the years, despite all your travel and previous career commitments. Your continuous learning attitude, along with your ability to thrive independently in the sessions, when necessary, makes you a real pleasure to work with. Claire.
I've been to many pilates studios and Pilates Can in Manuka must be one of the best ones. All the instructors are very knowledgeable and super friendly. They tailor an exercise program for each individual and take their time to explain everything in detail. Each class has a great atmosphere and all people are very encouraging and not judgemental. From teenagers to seniors, from injured ones to athletes everybody benefits in this studio!
Response from the owner: Thanks, Petra, for your beautiful and insightful review, from your viewpoint as a student instructor. It is marvellous that you can highlight the benefits that our studio culture brings to both clients and instructors. We love having you in our sessions and wish you all the best in your Pilates career. Claire.
Excellent instructors who provide individualised attention to help with strength building and mobility in general, but also for recovery and rehab purposes. Love the studio.
Response from the owner: Thanks, Cornelia, for your incisive review, and for your dedication to your Pilates practice at our semi-private sessions. It has been our pleasure to assist you to remain strong and mobile, so you can keep enjoying the activities you love in life. Claire
Pilates Can has provided me a great service over many years. As an endurance athlete, it has helped me avoid injuries and keep me racing. This is done through the personalised program they developed and adapted overtime. Thank you
Response from the owner: Terry, thanks for your perceptive review, identifying that Pilates is extremely useful for athletes, to build, maintain, and rehabilitate for optimal performance. It is our privilege to adapt your personal Pilates program to suit whatever training or rehab phase you are going through. Claire.
I love Pilates Can. All the staff are amazing and can read my bodies needs,.Classes are small groups so each person is assessed and the program of exercises are individual written.
Response from the owner: Thanks for your brilliant review, expressing your love for Pilates, at our Pilates Can studios in Manuka. We particularly thank you for identifying that our “amazing staff”, and the “written programs” combined with the “small groups” make our semi-private Pilates sessions so loveable. That combination of factors, allows us to cater so specifically for individuals and provide the highest quality Pilates services which we certainly love delivering to you and our other lovely clients. Claire
Pilates Can has the most excellent practitioners of the Pilates method. They are super experienced and I’ve enjoyed the mat classes as they have really helped with my flexibility whilst managing some of my individual niggles so I’m not injuring myself.
Response from the owner: Emma, thanks very much for your exceptional feedback. We are very happy that you have found our amazing Pilates instructors, combined with our extensive clinical Mat Pilates timetable, have helped you with your flexibility and mobility. Claire.
This is a great studio where your work out is tailored to you. The staff are all very knowledgeable and the range of equipment makes every session enjoyable.
Response from the owner: Simone, thanks so much for your 5-star review and for shining a light on one of the secret ingredients; providing a large variety of repertoire for you and our other clients, with their many individual needs. The benefits of using all the large Pilates equipment including the Trapeze Table, barrels, chairs, reformers, and the small apparatus can produce amazing results.We are delighted that you appreciate our wholistic and personalised approach. Claire
I highly recommend Pilates Can Manuka. My osteopath recommended I try clinical Pilates to rehabilitate old injuries that I had never really bounced back from. My body feels so much better and my strength is returning to what it was years ago. The instructors are super knowledgeable and very caring.
Response from the owner: Viv, thanks for your wonderful review, and congratulations on creating your ‘Excellent Pilates Exercise Habit’. It is always satisfying when we can have multiple instructors work with a client who has the motivation to double down on their commitment to achieve important results. You have increased your strength significantly and with that, you have also reduced the pain from those injuries. You are certainly testament to what can be done when Pilates works synergistically with other allied health modalities like osteo therapy. Our team members working with you are impressed by your progress over a relatively short time. Well-done Viv.Claire
As a semi-retired tradie with a body that acquired its accumulated work related injuries . My chiropractic daughter bullied cajoled nagged for me to get away from screen time and do something that will keep me from deteriorating whatever fitness I had .As she was at the time doing weight conditioning and attending at for her self. She assured me that they could and do treat OLDIES with regard to their abilities and adjust to individual needs and solving the need to be able to achieve an improved fitness and careThis has proved to be so and after 4 years + I’m still attending my weekly classes
Response from the owner: Thanks, Ray, for providing a review that will help other like-minded and like bodied prospective Pilates participants know what your experience has been. You are a fine example of a man who has successfully been able to improve your mobility and strength due to your motivation to enjoy your life and “semi”-retirement activities. Thanks for your dedication and valuable example to others who may now see a path for themselves to emulate your achievements. Claire
Pilates Can is a great space to hone in on those areas that need attention and discover a deeper understanding of pilates in a small group or more personalised one on one sessions. The personal attention and care to your bodies needs, the individual plans and review of where your body is at before each sessions all moves towards a more enhanced and personal experience. My body has never felt better!
Response from the owner: Leanne, thanks for your insightful review, recognising our studio design and setup, that supports our personalised approach with the Pilates method. We have worked for the last 25 years on developing the important aspects of our environment and our processes, to provide a highly effective & personalised Pilates experience. We are grateful that clients like yourself Leanne, also bring your happy smiling faces and positive energy to partner with our instructors’ knowledge and direction. Everyone enjoys their sessions and has the best opportunity to achieve their individual strength and mobility results. Claire
All Instructors I have come into contact with have been friendly, knowledgeable and approachable.Susan's classes are a hoot as she incorporates her life experiences into each class making it an enjoyable combination :)For me, I leave each class with a spring in my step.
Response from the owner: Christine, thanks for your wonderful review. It is cool to hear how much fun you are having whilst moving and strengthening your body in your Pilates sessions with Susan. We are very fortunate to have a team of Pilates instructors with the sort of life experience that also conveys a positive encouraging attitude. Susan brings all that to her party, that we call Susan’s Pilates mat sessions. I can recall when Susan first joined us over 15 years ago now, as a client initially, how shy and retiring Susan was. See, Pilates can do wonders! (Ha!)Claire
The staff at PilatesCan are excellent. They know more about healing and helping bodies than any Physio or doctor!
Response from the owner: Thanks, Lesley, for your amazing review including your outrageous but, of course, welcome claim (Ha Ha, very good!). Yes, whilst we are certain that our role in helping our clients with rehabilitation and the maintenance of their mobility is crucial to their success, we are also very careful to stay within our “scope of practice”. We work with allied health professionals to deliver wholistic clinical solutions. And it is our pleasure to assist you, so you can as a result, enjoy all the more, the fun things in life.Claire
Highly recommend Pilates Can! They are a specialist Pilates studio, and know the human body extremely well. I would not want to go elsewhere for assistance with my rehabilitation. The instructors are attentive, caring, and attuned to your needs, creating a fun and welcoming studio every time.
Response from the owner: Stephanie, it is wonderful how your review and experience at our studio reflects our business’s values and services so accurately. We have received many referrals from Physiotherapists like Caroline over the years, and always look forward to bringing our specific clinical Pilates instructor skills to help clients with their rehabilitation needs. It is so satisfying for us to see the results you are achieving, and it is a privilege to work with you on your journey.Claire
Pilates Can are fantastic. All the pilates instructors provide expert advice and target each session to meet my needs. My regular sessions have helped me manage my long standing hip issue and reduce my pain.
Response from the owner: Kathryn, thanks very much for your glowing review. Your dedication and positive approach are inspiring to us all. We are very proud of the experience and expertise of our instructor team. Your instructor ‘Claire D’ is typical of the team. Most of our team, including “Claire D” now bring over 10 years of experience, including initially starting as a long-term client, and combine that with extensive qualifications, practice and a deep caring attitude. Thanks again for recognizing this definitive aspect of our Pilates Can services Kathryn.Claire G.
The expert knowledge of the instructors has helped keep me flexible an improved my osteoarthritis
Response from the owner: Sue, thanks so much for your 5-star review of our Pilates Can services. It is a pleasure to assist you with improving your strength and mobility to fight off the effects of osteoarthritis. We are constantly learning more about how to assist outstanding clients like yourself with these types of serious conditions to maintain their health and wellbeing. Thanks for your persistence and for joining us on this learning journey. Claire
I’ve been attending Pilates Can in Manuka for over ten years. My personalised program has kept my body free from injury. Prevention is key! Highly recommend Claire and the team!
Response from the owner: Brooke, thanks for your amazing review of Pilates Can. It is splendid for us to see the continuing healthy movement results you have achieved over the years. Over the last 25 years, fabulous clients like yourself have sometimes had to leave us for an extended time or two, due to family, travel, or career developments. We have done our best to remain that ‘constant’ in our clients’ lives, that they can rely on, to be the same or better for them on their return. Always a pleasure to see your smiling face in the studio Brooke. Claire
Pilates Can was recommended to me by an osteopath when my back issues were flaring up and I've never looked back. The staff are so friendly and knowledgeable, and the semi-private classes are so helpful with an exercise program tailored to your specific needs. It's such a welcoming environment and the instructors are always so receptive and accommodating, setting you up with whatever your body needs on the day to reduce pain and tightness and to build strength over time. For anyone considering trying pilates, I'd highly recommend Pilates Can. You won't regret it and will be well looked after.
Response from the owner: Alison, thank you for your inspiring, observant review. You and our other like-minded clients are an important part of our unique small wellness business culture, continually developed over the last 25 years, since we put our first advert in the yellow pages in 1999. We strive to provide a unique environment that encourages all the elements that you mentioned, so that we can all achieve amazing results. Our goal to help clients achieve their ‘Excellent Pilates Exercise Habit’ requires a synergistic partnership between clients, staff, and business processes. It is wonderful to work with you and assist you on your journey. We love seeing the changes in your strength and mobility Alison.Claire
I cannot speak highly enough of the instructors at Pilates Can, they are very knowledgable and ensure that each client is listened to and their individual needs are given every consideration. Unlike other ‘so-called’ studios each client is given a personalised printed program. The instructors are positive and resourceful, you walk out of each session feeling much better than when you went in. 😊
Response from the owner: Thanks, Kate, for your encouraging review. It means a lot to us instructors that you feel this way about your Pilates with us. We dedicate a big chunk of our lives to being able to deliver the sort of results you have described. I particularly liked hearing that you feel the benefits in each session and that you appreciate the diverse and individualised programs we have for each client. We love seeing your smiling face in the sessions Kate. Claire.
After about 12 months with Claire and her team at Pilates Can I have to say I am extremely satisfied. I receive expert advice and attention and feel real benefit from the sessions I do each weekThey deserve a 5 star recommendation
Response from the owner: Thanks, Stuart, for your excellent review and recommendation. We really appreciate your support. And we are enjoying seeing you achieve those results and the changes in your strength and mobility. Well done Stuart, and thanks again. Claire.
Fantastic personalised classes catering for every client's changing and different injuries and pain. These instructors are qualified professional Pilates instructors with many years of experience which you won't find in most places. They have helped me with great exercises for pain management.
Response from the owner: Dean, thanks for your marvelous endorsement. You have outlined there exactly what we aspire to deliver. We see it as a partnership with our amazing clients like yourself Dean. It is our pleasure to assist you with your Pilates sessions so you can enjoy all those other activities in your life. Claire.
I've been attending Mat classes for many years and have found them an enjoyable way to keep fit with well trained instructors. A few years ago I had some injuries to my knees and discovered the benefit of the studio session in helping my recovery as they were able to focus the exercises on what my body specifically needed. I liked it so much I'm still continuing with it as has been a wonderful way to keep my body working well! I have found Pilates Can a welcoming, fun and professional place to exercise.
Response from the owner: Thanks, Janet, for your lovely review. It is delightful for us instructors to see the results you are achieving in the mat and equipment sessions. Your smiling, fun attitude has a positive effect on us all. Claire.
I have been a regular at Thursday morning Pilates Can Manuka mat work classes for over ten years. Over this time David, Claire and other instructors have all been extremely professional, helpful and knowledgeable. I can highly recommend their classes to anyone wanting to increase muscle strength and flexibility. My fellow class mates are lovely too - such a friendly community atmosphere. Come and join us on Thursday morning - a great way to start the day.
Response from the owner: Thanks Julie, for your review. We certainly do have a fun crew in our Thursday 7am mat session. Our consistent Pilates work ethic, to build and maintain our strength, flexibility and mobility is well supported by that "friendly fun" aspect that you contribute to so well. And yes, we still have some room for more like-minded people to come and join us online from their own lounge room, (or back in the studio, when the weather warms up again). Thanks so much Julie for your participation over the years. We look forward to many more. David.
I have been going to Pilates Can for about six years, they are professional, experienced and offer really tailored advice and instruction. I have confidence is the skills, training and care of Claire and her team - strong reputation and credibility, as well as having a fun time! The team encourage me to build my proficiency and I feel stronger and healthier for participating in Pilates Can sessions.
Response from the owner: Rachael, thanks for your inspiring review. It is wonderful that you enjoy your sessions and find them so beneficial. We certainly encourage that "fun" element, as it such an important part of creating our Excellent Pilates Exercise Habits, that will achieve the best results.
The instructors are amazing! They care about helping you, have a wide range of knowledge and the semi-private classes allow you to focus on a specific plan made for you. After having multiple knee surguries, Pilates Can have helped me to strengthen and maintain those muscles.
Response from the owner: Mandy, thanks for your grand review, which is so very satisfying and encouraging for our team of dedicated and caring Pilates instructors. Your own dedication and enthusiasm in our semi-private Pilates sessions has helped you achieve wonderful results.
Pilates Can is so much more than just another form of exercise. They are movement specialists who teach you how to move and strengthen your body regardless of your limitations.When I first went to Pilates Can I had all sorts of aches and pains due to being a ceramic artist which can be taxing on your body. Now I can work without pain and when I do over do it they help me to get back on track.The first question I am asked each session is "How's your body?" and they will tweak my program to suit whatever is going on in my body on a particular day.I would not be able to work with ceramics if I did not have such amazing Pilates instructors who really care about keeping me fit and healthy.
Response from the owner: Thanks, Tania, for your wonderful review. It is gratifying for us to see how Pilates has enabled you to keep producing such beautiful works of art. We enjoy adapting and finding the best exercises for you, so you can keep doing what you do best.
I have found that all of the instructors at Pilates Can Manuka are great to work with. They have good knowledge of the body and how to deal with various physical constraints, injuries or needs to create better mobility, flexibility and strength. They are all sympathetic and caring and provide an environment that is fun to be apart of whilst helping each person through the session. Specialist sessions are provided at regular intervals to spotlight various general problems areas such as back, feet, etc. that assist understanding in what you can do regularly or as needed, to help yourself.Over the years I have been attending there, I have seen some spectacular progress made with people who have had significant impairments, serious surgeries and shorter term injuries that are amazing.Claire, Kirrilly, and Trudi especially are long term experienced instructors, who are especially knowledgeable about the body and its movements, and all exceptionally skilled at supporting, assisting, guiding and challenging participants to allow and help us all to improve and find relief when needed.Well done ladies! Great service, fantastic environment to work in and fabulous studio to attend.Thank you!
Response from the owner: Lesley, thanks for such a glowing review. You have captured both the spirit and the detail of our culture at Pilates Can. You have also identified our most important ingredient, a whole team of caring, fantastic instructors. It is a privilege to be able to assist you, and all our clients, improve their mobility and strength. We love seeing the amazing results that clients achieve whilst attending their regular Pilates sessions. We also enjoy empowering our clients with the knowledge and techniques to continue their practice at home. Your enthusiasm and smile bring joy to each session. “Fun” is certainly one of our core values, that we love to share. Our original business name, from 25 years ago, was “Fun & Fitness”.
I have been with these people for over 20 years because they offer quality instruction and they care about their clients. They have skill and integrity.
Response from the owner: Simeon, thanks very much for your generous endorsement and very long running support of our Pilates Can services here in Manuka.
I have been a participant at the Pilates Can for over 10 years and look forward to every class. The diversity and quality instructors as well as the online ability to change my sessions, suits my busy lifestlye. When I attend pilates either in studio or online, the group always have a laugh and the owners treat all clients as individuals.
Response from the owner: Wendy, thanks very much for your delightful review, and for being an enthusiastic contributor in both our online and in-studio Pilates Mat sessions. We appreciate your support over the many years. And we certainly agree that it is great fun to enjoy our collective sense of humour.
Pilates Can takes clinical pilates to the next level. The instructors are extremely experienced and body aware. They make any necessary adjustments to your core program each week to address any tightness or pain your body is presenting. The Studio is a serene place to build strength without strain. I love it!
Response from the owner: Diana, thanks so much for your lovely review and for understanding exactly what we are all about at Pilates Can.
I've finally found a workout routine that works for me and my lifestyle
I find PilatesCan sessions to be a balm not just for the body, but also for the mind. I walk away feeling light and content, lovely!
Response from the owner: Thanks Elizabeth, wonderful to get your feedback. We will pass your thoughts on to our instructors, who are dedicated to achieve exactly that sort of result you have described.
Great atmosphere, instructors are lovely
Response from the owner: Thank you Gwynn
the studio environment itself, it's very clean and well organized. the instructors are always welcome me and nice to me! even they fixed my body. I used to have pain specially when I walked more than a half hour or sitting about one hour. but I don't have anymore ! I'm very happy to come here.
Response from the owner: Thank you very much!
Very friendly and welcoming. Also, the instructors seem to be very experienced.
Having experienced the benefits of equipment based pilates in South Australia we were delighted to discover Pilates Can, Woden when we moved to Canberra three years ago. Since joining a semi private group, Claire has provided an exceptional programme for both of us (now in our 70’s.) Whatever challenge we present : scoliosis, arthritis, fractures associated with osteoporosis or preparation for knee surgery, Claire has the expertise and depth of experience to provide individualised programmes of the highest professional caliber. Yvonne and Alwyn


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